Docklight RS232 Terminal - RS232 Monitor

Docklight RS232 Terminal - RS232 Monitor

Flachmann und Heggelbacher
Versione 2.3.26
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5.06 MB
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Uno strumento di testing ed analisi per dispositivi seriali

The Docklight RS232 Terminal – RS232 Monitor is a complete model for simulating and testing for serial devices which are used for communication. The Docklight RS232 Terminal – RS232 Monitor supports standards such as RS232, RS485/422 among others, it also supports Bluetooth ports as well as Arduino ports which enables you to track in and out communication occurring amidst two serial communication devices.
The Docklight RS232 Terminal – RS232 Monitor is designed with a good, navigable and organized user interface. The program is tailored for software developers and programmers who first test and fully evaluate their software in all conditions. And because of the fact that the Docklight RS232 Terminal – RS232 Monitor can mimic the functionality of a serial communication port by providing user-defined information and data sequences and also has a automated response mechanism, providing you user-defined solutions.
Upon installation of the software, you can see all the data that is sent and received on the main screen of the Docklight RS232 Terminal – RS232 Monitor interface. You can view the data in several ways, for example, you can view it in binary form, plain text form or an HTML format. The Docklight RS232 Terminal – RS232 Monitor can be utilized in several different industrial fields, more specifically in equipment manufacturing industries or the vast communications industries.

Docklight RS232 Terminal - RS232 Monitor
Docklight RS232 Terminal - RS232 Monitor
Flachmann und Heggelbacher
Versione 2.3.26
Prova gratuita
5.06 MB
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